Advice and Information

You probably know, intuitively, that there’s a crucial difference between information and advice.

Gathering information is like finding puzzle pieces — not much good until you know how to put those pieces together.

Getting advice is like finding someone who’s built that puzzle dozens of times before and having them explain where to put each piece.

Read on to see how this applies to Real Estate.

Real Estate Update – March

March 2022 Article

Have you ever walked into a store, and when you were approached by a sales rep who asked, “Can I help you find your size?” you had to explain, “Oh, I’m just looking”?

Maybe you even felt a little guilty that you were not intending to buy anything.

Well, the same thing can happen in real estate. For example, you might happen to drive through a neighbourhood, find that you like the area, see a couple of For Sale signs, and think, “I wonder how much it would cost to get into this neighbourhood?”

That happens all the time, even to those who aren’t thinking about moving.

If you get curious about a neighbourhood, please don’t hesitate to ask me about it. I’d be happy to answer your questions about the area and give you a ballpark of what a typical home costs there.

When it comes to real estate, it’s smart to have a sense of what the market is doing and what homes are selling for in areas you like. That way, if you ever do decide to move, you’ll have a headstart!

Take a look at these helpful tips and tricks.

Real Estate Update – March 2022

Spring Cleaning

Looking for some great tips on what to do around the house this spring? Maybe unsure of what should be done? Take a look at this for some helpful ideas!

Spring cleaning tips for your home this coming season!

August 2021- Interesting Articles

Curious about moving? Things you may need?

Ever wonder about listing prices? Why it is important?

Kitchen fires. They can happen to anyone! Check out these tips to prevent it from happening to you.

August Real Estate Update

March 2021 Helpful Articles

It’s not uncommon for people to think of a real estate agent as someone who only helps buy or sell properties. And, of course, that’s a big part of what we do for our clients.

But you may not realize that we do a lot more.

For example, if you have questions about the local market, you can contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and, if needed, provide you with more in-depth information and advice.

We are also well-connected in the local real estate community. So, if you’re looking for a recommendation — for a contractor, painter, electrician, etc. — we can probably give you a name or two.

We are also available to help you maximize what is, for most of my clients, their number one investment – their home. For example, we can tell you the approximate current market value of your property. That’s great information to have for many reasons.

So, please think of us as your real estate resource. We here to help however we can.

March 2021 Articles

Useful Tips for Buying

It is a big deal when you go to buy a home and you want to make sure you are making the right choice. Check out these useful tips when you are looking into buying a home!

Real Estate Update – March 2021

Helpful Tips

Manotick Neighbours – Feature Article

What a great way to end the year! We were fortunate enough to be asked to be on the front cover of the Manotick Neighbours December 2020 magazine with a feature article on our family. Take a peak to learn more about us!


Magazine Cover Page

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